2024 UNISS Draw

2024 tournament seedings click here Updated 27 Aug

Draw format click here

Pools click here updated 27th August

Scorer codes click here updated 29 August

To view the draw and results, please click here

NB:  D Grade - Please note Pools A & H have a team called Bye 1 & Bye 2. If this shows up for one of your games you will be having a crossover game with the other pool - eg 11am Ct 23 Paeroa vs Campion (see note on draw). These games will not appear on the app and will require a scorecard to be collected from the control room by the umpires. These games must be played but do not count for points or rankings.

Update - when teams go into Stage 2 and 3, these Cross Over games should now show up on your app.  You can score these games from your app and not pick up a score card.  They are still non-competition games.
